To repurpose otherwise unwanted or not used objects into useful projects can be both fun and profitable. Oh, not profitable as in cash flow but as in practical and useful items for homestead and or shop.
My parents lived thru and survived the depression years not only because they relied on their faith in God, but they were survivors and because they had been raised to “make do” with what they had to stretch their livelihood and make life easier.
I was raised to think of repurposing as “being thrifty” and wise. So as I furnished by workshop I found many ways to stretch my budget, and enjoy being “creative” with objects to repurpose them from their original intent into something useful in the shop. Repurposing for shop use means improving your shop tools and materials organization as well as being thrifty. Getting things into easy reach is nice too.
Repurposing allows me to be creative; so here I want to share some really neat useful repurposing projects. Below see the BLOG POSTS of items that I discovered could be repurposed into useful shop organizing objects. You can see some of my repurpose projects close up. See Below and click on image of interest.