Milling your wood

From this to THIS

Our home­stead is on small acreage that has some nice trees.  Oth­ers here have suf­fered from light­en­ing strikes, wind storms, and oth­er haz­ards.  So I saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to log some tim­ber for lum­ber.  I cut and then dragged the logs to the shop where I cut them with chain saw to man­age­able lengths.  I then split the larg­er logs in half.  I then put them on my table saw and made some very nice usable lumber.

I made a pair of  Adiron­dack Chairs from a nice Ozark Red Cedar log.  I also have had some nice Oak and Elm wood that came from dead trees that were vic­tims of natures hazards.

This has been an on-going repur­pos­ing project pro­vid­ing me with some very nice and extreme­ly valu­able lum­ber.  Here are a few of my projects.

Bird Feed­er
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floormat wood
Wood Floor­matt
Card Dis­play
Drap­ery Ringlets
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3 months ago

Your blog is a trea­sure trove of knowl­edge! I’m con­stant­ly amazed by the depth of your insights and the clar­i­ty of your writ­ing. Keep up the phe­nom­e­nal work!

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