TeeterTotter™Bird Feeder©




Inter­ac­tive Bird Feeder
cardinal on teetertotter
Car­di­nal Acti­vat­ing Feeder
teetter totter 1
Teeter Tot­ter Feeder







TeeterTotter™ Bird Feeder©

This is a DIY Build Plan; deliv­ered online dig­i­tal­ly by email as quick as you pay.  Down­load your plan from you con­fir­ma­tion email.

Birds Activate feed the Mechanism. Birds love it! You will love it! It is INTERACTIVE!

Not your ordi­nary bird feed­er.   Teeter­Tot­ter™ Bird Feed­er© is INTERACTIVE WITH BIRDS.

There are no refunds on dig­i­tal downloads.

Down load link will be in your pur­chase confirmation

Only $12.95   Pay­Pal, Cred­it, or Debit