Sleeve Board

Sleeve Board
Sleeve Board
Larger sleeve brd
Larg­er Sleeve Board
Sleeve brd Smaller
Small­er Board
Sleeve Boards Mtd
Sleeve Boards Mtd

Sleeve Board DIY Build Plan

Whether you are an apart­ment dweller, liv­ing in the city or on your home­stead, you can enjoy the ben­e­fits of this handy Sleeve Board. Iron­ing Shirts and Blous­es will nev­er be eas­i­er. It is shaped like the iron­ing board but small­er and flip­pable, and eas­i­er to set­up than your con­ven­tion­al iron­ing board.

A DIY build plan

In demand for those who always want their clothes to look superb. Shirts & Blouse sleeves will look superior.

Your wood­craft skills can come to life and as you present this use­ful item to your house­hold. You can build this in one after­noon; and it will make a fan­tas­tic gift for your favorite homemaker.

Make one your­self, with your favorite wood species. Just click pur­chase and down­load a com­plete set of  “Build Plan Read­ing Cen­ter”.  Info graph with detailed draw­ings, and pho­tos from my actu­al build. For your­self or make awe­some Gifts!

NOT orig­i­nal but very Unique, Prac­ti­cal, & Useful

Down­load yours now

Build Your Own

Design and Plan is copy­right pro­tect­ed. There are no refunds on dig­i­tal downloads.

Down load link will be on your suc­cess­ful pur­chase Receipt.

Only $ 2.85 Pay­Pal, Cred­it, or Debit