Reading Center

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Read­ing Center
reading center addons
Read­ing Center


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Read­ing Center
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Read­ing Center

Reading Center — “How I did it” Step by Step info-graph

The Read­ing Cen­ter, aka Media Cen­ter is Unique and Use­ful High Qual­i­ty Home Fur­nish­ing:  It has many fea­tures you will not find on a tra­di­tion­al “maga...rack”. Noth­ing like it in  any­where. NOTHING LIKE IT ANYWHERE, UNTIL NOW.

Designed for home com­fort at its best;

  • Dis­plays TV and Device controls
  • Books, Bibles, and Nov­els in easy reach
  • Mag­a­zines on dis­play for Him or Her
  • Cell Phone handy
  • iPad for e‑reading, fun, and games

You can use it in many dif­fer­ent home set­tings, such as on the floor next to couch, or between two reclin­ers. It even works great on end tables.  Liv­ing room, fam­i­ly room, even in the bedroom.

Make one your­self, with your favorite wood species, and fin­ished to suit you. Just click pur­chase and down­load a com­plete set of  “Build Plan Read­ing Cen­ter”. Detailed draw­ings, and pho­tos from my actu­al build. For your­self or make awe­some Gifts!

Design and Plan is copy­right pro­tect­ed.   There are no refunds on dig­i­tal downloads.

Down load link will be on your suc­cess­ful pur­chase Receipt.

Only $ 20.00   Pay­Pal, Deb­it, or Credit