Bread Slicer Guide

bread slice guide finished

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in use slicer

bread slice unfinished

Unique — Practical — Useful

Very Unique, prac­ti­cal, and Use­ful item for home kitchens.  A DIY build plan for a Bread/cake slicer guide.  Use with man­u­al or elec­tric slic­ing knife.  Whether you are an apart­ment dweller, liv­ing in the city or on your home­stead, you can enjoy the ben­e­fits of this beau­ti­ful bread slicer guide. Your wood­craft skills will shine for you when you build this prac­ti­cal and very use­ful home­mak­ers bread slicer guide.

Home­mak­ers will love the ease of use when plac­ing the loaf onto the bread board which will slide smooth­ly over the base to the slic­ing posi­tion. I designed this slicer guide around a bread loaf com­ing out of a glass corn­ing ware bak­ing dish of approx­i­mate­ly 5” x 9” x 4.5”.The baked loaf comes out about 5 x 9 x 5+.  The guides are 12 inch wide, with a 1/8” space between so the slices come out at about 5/8”. You can vary your results by chang­ing a few dimen­sions.  I include in the plan a sec­ond set of guides that are 3/8” x 3/8” with space of 1/10” inch. Bread slides will run about 1/2”.  A Fan­tas­tic gift for your favorite homemaker.

Unique — Practical — Useful

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