A Page

Wel­come to Creek­side Hob­by Shop.  My name is Jim.  I am a retired senior, an Air Force vet­er­an, and a semi-retired web­site devel­op­er.  My wife, Lin­da, and I  are enjoy­ing our retire­ment years in our dream home here in the Mis­souri Ozarks on our small pri­vate coun­try acreage where we are enjoy­ing and shar­ing oth­er hob­bies, in addi­tion to wood crafts such as gar­den­ing, bird watch­ing, believ­ing and study­ing God’s Word, and all the adven­tures of life.  I enjoy being cre­ative and shar­ing ideas.

I am an aspir­ing writer;  blog­ging about “Lit­tle known & Scarce­ly under­stood Laws of Suc­cess”  and writ­ing “How I Build Them info-graphs” per­tain­ing to my wood­work­ing hob­by projects.

Many of my projects are orig­i­nal and one-of-a-kind, that can be built from any species of wood of your choice, by you.  Build plans, sent to you in info-graph­ic form, dig­i­tal down­loads, and media mail, and are bet­ter than typ­i­cal con­ven­tion­al blue­prints and come com­plete with details and pho­tos of an actu­al build to illus­trate in detail “how I do it, step by step” so you can do it too.  They come to you imme­di­ate­ly after pay­ment.  Fast!  You sim­ply click a link and receive the plans.  In some instances we can media mail the info-graphs in PDF format.

And by the way, I plan to offer some free Info-graphs on repur­pos­ing to cre­ate use­ful items, com­ing soon.

There are FREE down­loads for some of the “How I do it info-graphs.”  See the Free Downloads!